Selling 2x 4 day passes with Mary e and 1 parking pass

Selling 2x 4 day passes with Mary e ilium camping & 1 vehicle pass for Mary e. Selling at face value, $1095. Feel free to call/text 732-547-7883 or comment below! :call_me_hand:t3:

Missed the return date of March 1 and I sadly can’t make it this year. Need to sell/transfer by May 1st in order for tickets to be mailed to new buyer.

I would be interested in the parking pass.

At this time I’m selling the tickets and parking pass together. Thanks

I’m interested in both! This would work for a converted van, yes?

Hey there. Yes the vehicle pass works for a converted van! Please shoot me a text or call @ 732-547-7883 :smiling_face: